Thursday, November 5, 2009

Personal Thoughts on Leadership

I remember during my university years when in one particular day right before school started, my organization head called me and advised me that since I was one of the youngest head of our organization’s department, I had to work a little harder than others in order to prove to people that I can be a leader. Then, I asked him, ‘’How does a leader act?” he responded with a list of physical ways on how he believes a leader should act. To put it simply, think of Hitler and the stereotypical description of what comes into mind when you think of his name, is exactly what he described as what he thinks is a good leader. Of course, I didn’t dare say that out loud then, being new and young at the time, but inside, I knew that I wouldn’t live up to what he thinks is a great leader. There is a reason why the name ‘Hitler’ connotes a very negative vibe.

Fast forward a few years, I have no idea what happened to my organization leader now, but I can tell you one thing, his reign of terror did not last long, in fact he pretty much shared the same bad ending as Hitler did. (Without the suicide part of course)

Lesson number 1: Leadership does not equate to being intimidating.

I had this one classmate who was well-liked by everyone, he was friendly, down to earth, he made jokes, drank beer with the boys, watched movies with the girls, and when you got introduced to him, he remembers your name and acts like your friend. Here’s the thing, he doesn’t just act like a friend because when you’re in trouble, you don’t have to ask him, as soon as he knows, he will go out of his way to help you. No surprise, he ended up president of our organization in a landslide vote, and I can tell you, he was well liked by everyone (even by his opponent) and he made the organization very rich during his period in office.

Lesson number 2: Leadership is about being liked, having people do things for you willingly, sometimes without you even needing to ask them to, simply because they like you enough to help you out.

When I interned at a big accounting firm, I got to work with one of the smartest people on the planet. I didn’t know this at first, since they don’t go out announcing to people how good they are. But here’s the thing, when you’re really good, you don’t have to go around broadcasting it to people, somehow they just know. Maybe it’s because of the way you act or make decisions that tell people how smart you are or maybe it’s whenever you talk, the words coming out of you actually make sense. I really admired the people I worked with there, they never once told me their accomplishments (and they were many) but when I walk down the halls of the office or open the newspapers, I see their faces smiling at me with bold letters declaring their greatness. This makes me respect them a thousand more than if they had been the one to tell me how smart and great they were.

Lesson number 3: Leadership is people talking about how great you are. Not the other way around.

I still have so many people to get to know and to admire, but for now let’s leave with just these three people first, until next time.

Finance Executive
Elite Bilingual Services Pte. Ltd

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